Solaris Express Developer Edition ????????? ??????

Solaris Express 11/05??? ????????? ??????

??? ??????????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ??????????????? ?????? ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????????.

????????? ?????? ??????(vold)

??? ?????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

??? ?????????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????????????????. ???????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ?????? vold??? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????, ??? ?????????????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????.

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     28 Jun 13 13:09 /vol/dev/aliases/cdrom0 
-> /vol/dev/rdsk/c2t2d0/nomedia

vold ?????? ??? cdrw ?????? ??? rmformat ????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

????????? ?????? /etc/vold.conf ???????????? support nomedia ????????? ???????????? ?????? vold ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

support media

????????? ????????? vold.conf(4) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

?????? ??? ??????????????? vold??? ??? ???????????? ???????????????. ???, ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? vold??? ????????? ???????????? ???????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????????. ????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????? vold??? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ????????????.

????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems??? What’s New in Removable Media???? ??????????????????.

SMF(Service Management Facility)?????? vold ??????

??? ?????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ?????? ?????? vold??? ?????? SMF(Service Management Facility)??? ?????? ???????????????. ???, svcadm disable ????????? ???????????? ????????? ????????? volfs ???????????? ????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????(???????????? ??????).

# svcadm disable volfs

?????? ????????? ???????????? volfs ???????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????.

$ svcs volfs
STATE          STIME    FMRI
online         Sep_29   svc:/system/filesystem/volfs:default

????????? ????????? smf(5), volfs(7FS) ??? vold(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

volfs ????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems??? What’s New in Removable Media???? ??????????????????.

UFS ???????????? ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ????????? UFS ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????????????? fsck??? FreeBSD 4.9 ?????? fsck ??????????????? ????????? ??????????????? ?????????????????????.

??? Solaris ???????????? fsck ??????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ?????????????????????.

???????????? newfs ??? mkfs ????????? ?????????????????? ?????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ??????????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ?????????????????????.

newfs [ -S or -B ] /dev/rdsk/...

?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????????.


?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????????.

mkfs [ -o calcsb or -o calcbinsb ] /dev/rdsk/... size
-o calcsb

?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? ???????????? ???????????????.

-o calcbinsb

?????? ???????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????????.

fsck ??????????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????????????.

????????? ?????? ????????? ?????? ????????? ????????? System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems??? 17??? Managing File Systems (Overview)??? ??????????????????.

IKE(????????? ??? ??????) ?????? ??????

??? ????????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

?????? ikecert ??????????????? ???????????? ?????? ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ??? ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ????????????. ?????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????? ????????? IKE ????????????????????? ????????? ?????? ????????????.

????????? ????????? ikecert(1M) ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

cdrecord, readCD ??? cdda2wav ?????? ??????

??? ?????? ?????? ????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

???????????? cdrecord??? CD??? ?????? ?????????????????????. ??? ?????????????????? cdrecord??? Solaris OS?????? ????????? ??? ????????????. cdrecord??? CD ????????? ???????????? ????????? ???????????????. cdrecord??? cdrw?????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????????????? ???????????????. cdrecord??? USB ??? 1394 ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? ????????? ???????????????. ????????? cdrecord??? 2GB ????????? DVD ???????????? ???????????????.

????????? ????????? /usr/share/man ??????????????? ?????? cdrecord, readCD ??? cdda2wav ????????? ???????????? ??????????????????.

pilot-link ???????????????

??? ?????? ?????? ?????????????????? Solaris Express 11/05 ???????????? ????????? ???????????????.

Pilot-link??? Palm ?????? PalmOS® ?????? ???????????? ????????? Unix, Linux ??? ?????? POSIX ?????? ???????????? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ?????? ???????????????. pilot-link??? ?????? ?????? PalmOS ???????????? ???????????? ???????????????. USB ????????? ???????????? ??? ????????? Solaris??? ??????????????? ?????? pilot-link??? libusb??? ???????????????. ????????? ????????? libusb(3LIB)??? ??????????????????.

??? ???????????? pilot-link??? pilot-link v0.12.0-pre4??? ???????????? ?????????.

????????? ????????? ??????????????????. ?????? /usr/sfw/man ??????????????? pilot-xfer(1)??? ??????????????????.