Web Stack Getting Started Guide

Setting Up MySQL

The procedure to register MySQL service with SMF and to start the database server instance is described below.

ProcedureTo Start the Database Server Instance

  1. Check the status of the SMF service.

    The mysql;version_50 service is disabled by default.

    example% svcs mysql
    STATE         STIME     FMRI
    disabled      14:27:09  svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
  2. Enable the mysql:version_50 service.

    example%svcadm enable mysql:version_50

  3. Check the status of the service.

    example% svcs mysql
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         14:30:08 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50

    The state of the service is online, and the database server is started successfully.

    Note –

    To shutdown the database instance and prevent automatic restart, disable the SMF service.

    example% svcadm disable mysql:version_50