SunPCi User's Guide

Accessing the Startup Menu

  1. Start SunPCi and press F8 as soon as you see the Starting Windows 95 message.The Microsoft Windows 95 Startup Menu appears.

    Microsoft Windows 95 Startup Menu==============================1.Normal2.Logged (\BOOTLOG.TXT)3.Safe mode4.Safe mode with network support5.Step-by-step confirmation6.Command prompt only7.Safe mode command prompt only8.Previous version of MS-DOSEnter a choice:

  1. Enter the number that corresponds to the option you want to use. SunPCi will start in the mode you selected.

    Table C–1 explains the options available in the Startup menu.

    Table C–1 Startup Menu Options



    Normal Windows 95 startup. 

    Normal startup. The file BOOTLOG.TXT contains a log of the results of the startup process, including any system messages or errors.

    Safe Mode starts your computer with default settings (VGA monitor, no network, Microsoft mouse driver, and the minimum device drivers required to start Windows).  

    Starts the computer in Safe Mode, but allows the computer to connect to the network. 

    Requests a Yes or No confirmation for each step in the startup process. The system displays each line in the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files and asks you to confirm each one. Press Enter for Yes or Esc for No.

    Boots the system to the MS-DOS prompt. 

    Boots the system to the MS-DOS prompt in Safe Mode. 

    Boots the system to a previous version of MS-DOS (if you have one installed).