Sun Enterprise 250 Server Owner's Guide

Automatic System Recovery (ASR)

The system provides for automatic system recovery (ASR) from the following types of hardware component failures:

The automatic system recovery feature allows the system to resume operation after experiencing certain hardware faults or failures. Automatic self-test features enable the system to detect failed hardware components and an auto-configuring capability designed into the system's boot firmware allows the system to deconfigure failed components and restore system operation. As long as the system is capable of operating without the failed component, the ASR features will enable the system to reboot automatically, without operator intervention.

During the power-on sequence, if a faulty component is detected, the component is effectively disabled and, if the system remains capable of functioning, the boot sequence continues. In a running system, some types of failures (such as a processor failure) will usually bring the system down. If this happens, the ASR functionality enables the system to reboot immediately if it is possible for the system to function without the failed component. This prevents a faulty hardware component from keeping the entire system down or causing the system to crash again.

Control over the system's ASR functionality is provided by a number of OpenBoot PROM commands. These are described in the document Platform Notes: Sun Enterprise 250 Server, available on the Solaris on Sun Hardware AnswerBook. This AnswerBook documentation is provided on the SMCC Supplement CD for the Solaris release you are running.