Code Samples

CODE EXAMPLE 4-1 small spaceSample Script for send_event

CODE EXAMPLE 5-1 small spacehelp Command Output for Sun Fire V445 Servers

CODE EXAMPLE 5-2 small spacehelp Command Output for Sun Fire V440 Servers

CODE EXAMPLE 5-3 small spaceExample of showenvironment Command Output

CODE EXAMPLE 5-4 small spaceExample of showenvironment Command With Server Powered Off

CODE EXAMPLE 5-5 small spaceExample of showfru Command Output

CODE EXAMPLE 5-6 small spaceExample of showlogs -v Command Output

CODE EXAMPLE 5-7 small spaceExample of showplatform Command Output

CODE EXAMPLE 7-1 small spacescadm help Commands

CODE EXAMPLE 7-2 small spaceExample of scadm show Output

CODE EXAMPLE 7-3 small spaceExample of scadm usershow Specific User Output

CODE EXAMPLE 8-1 small spaceExample of the .sc Command Output

CODE EXAMPLE B-1 small spaceWatchdog/Reset State Data Structure

CODE EXAMPLE B-2 small spaceWatchdog/Reset Control Data Structure

CODE EXAMPLE B-3 small spaceExample Program for ALOM Watchdog Program