Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Introduction

Discover Manageable Servers

The N1 System Manager discovery process must be used to locate and identify manageable servers before they can be monitored and managed. The discovery process is used to locate, identify, and set up network access to the manageable servers. You can run the discovery process by clicking the Discover button in the browser interfaceor by running the discover command in the command line pane. Once a manageable server is discovered, it is known as managed server.

Note –

Manageable servers can be discovered using three different methods.

SP-Based Discovery

Discovery of a managed server through its Service Processor (SP)

OS-Based Discovery

Discovery of a managed server using its operating system

Manual Discovery

Discovery of a managed server manually, using its MAC address and model name

For further information about discovery methods, see Choosing a Method of Discovery in Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Discovery and Administration Guide.

The managed servers are displayed in the System Dashboard tab in the browser interface. You can also list all managed servers by typing the command show server all in the command line pane. After running discovery, you can then group the managed servers based on your business or organizational needs if desired.

You can then perform the following management tasks on the managed servers from the N1 System Manager browser interface or command line:

The following sections provide overviews of the major N1 System Manager administrative tasks.