Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Operating System Provisioning Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Flash Archive

The following procedure explains how to create a flash archive that is suitable for N1 System Manager to use. For general information about creating Solaris flash archives, see Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation).

Note –

Flash archives on Red Hat Linux systems are limited to 2 GBytes.

  1. On the management server, create the Solaris distribution.

    Type a command similar to the following:

    N1-ok> create os s10x file /images/solarisdvd.iso
  2. Clone the automatically-generated OS profile.

    Type a command similar to the following, where the osprofile name is the name of the new profile and the clone name is the name of the existing profile created when you create the distribution.

    N1-ok> create osprofile s10-noagent clone s10x
  3. Modify the cloned OS profile.

    For this example, remove SUNWn1smx86ag-1-2 and /opt/SUNWscs/data/allstart/scripts/ from s10-noagent.

    	N1-ok> remove osprofile s10-noagent update SUNWn1smx86ag-1-2
    N1-ok> remove osprofile s10-noagent script /opt/SUNWscs/data/allstart/scripts/
  4. Deploy the modified OS profile to the managed server that will create the flash archive.

    N1-ok> load server server osprofile s10-noagent networktype static ip ip

    Note –

    For Solaris, the networktype must be static.

  5. On the managed server, create the archive.

    bash-3.00# flarcreate -n s10xga-flar -c /tmp/s10x-ga.flar
    	Full Flash
    	Checking integrity...
    	Integrity OK.
    	Running precreation scripts...
    	Precreation scripts done.
    	Determining the size of the archive...
    	4921218 blocks
    	The archive will be approximately 1.32GB.
    	Creating the archive...
    	4921218 blocks
    	Archive creation complete.
  6. Copy securely the resulting file to the management server.

    Make sure that the file is in an NFS accessible location, such as /var/js. Use the scp (secure copy) utility as shown in the following command:

    bash-3.00# scp -v /tmp/s10x-ga.flar root@mgmt_server:/var/js
  7. Create an OS profile for the flash archive.

    N1-ok> create osprofile s10x-flar os s10x flar /var/js/s10x-ga.flar rootpassword password
  8. Add partition information to the flash archive OS profile.

    N1-ok> add osprofile s10x-flar partition / device c1t1d0s0 sizeoption free type ufs
    	N1-ok> add osprofile s10x-flar partition swap device c1t1d0s1 sizeoption fixed size 1024 type swap
  9. Deploy the flash archive OS profile to a managed server.

    N1-ok> load server server osprofile s10x-flar networktype static ip ip
  10. Add the OS monitoring feature to the managed server on which you deployed the flash archive (after clearing .ssh/known_hosts).

    N1-ok> add server server feature osmonitor agentssh root/admin agentip ip

    If you do not follow the above steps to create your flash archive, you might see messages similar to the following on the managed server console:

    Nov 23 11:56:08 websvr-21 agent[26169]: error    Nov 23 11:56:08 agent
    agentServer parameter (luke-8) is not a valid local hostname
    Nov 23 11:56:08 websvr-21 agent[26169]: syslog          Nov 23 11:56:08 agent
    agentServer parameter (luke-8) is not a valid local hostname

    If you see these messages, perform the following steps on the management server:

    1. Add the basemanagement feature to the managed server.

      N1-ok> add server server feature basemanagement agentip agentip agentssh agentssh
    2. Restart the managed server.

      N1-ok> start server server command "/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst -X"

      You can run this command on each managed server, or use start group to start all managed servers in a server group. Once the managed server restarts, you can add the osmonitoring feature.