Sun N1 System Manager 1.3 Troubleshooting Guide

OS Update Uninstallation Failures

If you cannot uninstall an OS update that was installed with an adminfile, check that the package file name matches the name of the package. To check the package name:

bash-2.05# ls FOOi386pkg 
   bash-2.05# pkginfo -d ./FOOi386pkg 
   application FOOi386pkg     FOO Package for Testing
   bash-2.05# pkginfo -d ./FOOi386pkg | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'
   bash-2.05# cp FOOi386pkg Foopackage
   bash-2.05# pkginfo -d ./Foopackage 
   application FOOi386pkg     FOO Package for Testing
   bash-2.05# pkginfo -d ./Foopackage | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'

If the name is not the same, rename the adminfile in the manageable server's /tmp directory to match the name of the package and try the unload command again. If the package still exists, remove it from the manageable server by using pkgrm.