Sun N1 System Manager 1.3.1 What's New

Network Interface Mapping

N1 System Manager physical and network device names are explained in To View Sun Blade X8400 Server Module Details. Valid values for elements of the Sun Blade 8000 Modular System are shown in the following tables.

Note –

Physical and logical network device names are case-sensitive.

Table 3–1 Physical Network Device Names Valid for Use With N1 System Manager

Physical Network Device Name 



Network Expansion Module 0 


Network Expansion Module 0 


Network Expansion Module 1 


Network Expansion Module 1 


Network Expansion Module 2 


Network Expansion Module 2 


Network Expansion Module 3 


Network Expansion Module 3 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 


PCI Express Module 

Table 3–2 Logical Device Names Valid for Use With N1 System Manager

Logical Device Name 

Real name 

eth0eth11 (Linux)

Network Interface Cards 0 to 11 


A provisioned OS assigns logical network interface names, such as eth3, in numerically ascending order to physical network ports based on the PCI bus probe order. The Network Bootable Devices section of the Server Details page in the browser interface displays network ports in PCI probe order.

To deduce the logical interface name for a given entry in the boot list, find its zero-based index in the Bootable Devices list. The first device in the list has an index of 0, the second device in the list has an index of 1. When you determine the index, prepend the logical interface name prefix for the OS being provisioned. So the nth entry in the list, starting from 0, maps to ethN for Linux, or to e1000gN for the Solaris OS.