C H A P T E R  1

Introduction to WDR

WDR (WBEM dynamic reconfiguration) provides an application program interface (API) that software applications can use to perform dynamic reconfiguration (DR) operations remotely on the following systems:

Software developers and systems administrators can use the WDR API to create custom applications that remotely perform crucial system management functions such as load balancing. WDR provides an alternative to the current, conventional method of performing DR operations, which are achieved either on the Sun Fire System Controller (SC) or on the Solaris domain (using the cfgadm system library).

Hardware Required for WDR

On Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems, WDR runs on an external host that is referred to as the Midframe Service Processor (MSP). On Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems, WDR runs on the System Controller (SC).

Hardware Required for MSP on Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems

The minimum hardware requirements for an MSP are:

Software Required for WDR

WDR can be used on Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 and Sun Fire 15K/12K system domains that run the Solaris 8 2/02 and Solaris 9 software. WDR is not bundled with other software, such as the Solaris operating environment

Software Required for Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems

To enable WDR, both the WDR software and Solaris WBEM Services software must be installed on the SC. Further, the System Management Services (SMS) version 1.2 software must be installed on the SC.

Software Required for Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems

To enable WDR, both the WDR software and Solaris WBEM Services software must be installed on the MSP.

About Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM)

The WDR interface is based on the Web-based Enterprise Management (WBEM) industry standard, which enables Web-based management of systems, networks, and devices on a variety of platforms. WBEM was developed by members of the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), who represent many industry leaders.

WBEM is comprised of three principal components:

To summarize: in WBEM, managed objects are represented as CIM classes, properties, and methods; CIM operations are represented as either XML/HTTP or RMI messages; and those messages are sent over the wire.

A comprehensive description of the WBEM standard is beyond the scope of this document. However, complete information about WBEM is available from a variety of sources, including the DMTF Web site at www.dmtf.org.

Common Information Model (CIM)

WDR is a Sun Fire system-specific extension of the CIM schema that is used to represent:

The architecture of the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems differs significantly from that of the Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems. WDR includes CIM schema that reflect the architectures of all the different Sun Fire systems on which it is used.

Some of the objects in the CIM schema are common to all Sun Fire systems; other objects are used only on the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems; while other objects are used only on the Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems.

The commonalities between the system architectures are captured in platform-independent superclasses; the differences are captured in platform-specific subclasses of those platform-independent superclasses.

Platform-Specific and Common MOF Files

The CIM schema used by WDR is expressed in three Managed Object Format (MOF) files, which are ASCII text files that define all the objects that represent managed resources on Sun Fire systems.

In addition to providing a schema, the MOF file also provides the software developer or systems administrator with a formal definition of the objects that comprise the WDR CIM schema.

Note - For a formal definition of CIM, see Common Information Model, Implementing the Object Model for Enterprise Management, Winston Bumpus et al., Wiley Computer Publishing, copyright 2000, New York, ISBN 0-471-35342-6.

Operations that WDR Performs

WDR can perform the following dynamic reconfiguration operations remotely:

The functionality of WDR is the same as the underlying functionality of DR itself; WDR adds no additional operations to DR. However, WDR does enhance DR by providing information about domains and slots; associations between classes; and event notification.

WDR is designed to perform DR operations efficiently, without any noticeable degradation of performance.

Administrator Security Models

WDR enforces the administrator security models on Sun Fire 15K/12K and 6800/4810/4800/3800 systems.

For complete information about implementing security at the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 system level, see the Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 Systems Platform Administration Manual (part number 805-7373).

For complete information about implementing security at the Sun Fire 15K/12K system level, see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems (part number 816-5259).

In addition, security that is available through Solaris WBEM Services is described in Chapter 2 "Using Solaris WBEM Services in WDR."

WDR Security

The /etc/group file shows the groups to which the currently logged in user is subscribed.

Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 System Groups

The /etc/group file, which shows group membership on a Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800 system, can be edited manually.

The following table shows all the operations that users can perform based on their group membership:

TABLE 1-1 Permitted Tasks Based on Group - Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800


Tasks that the User Can Perform

None (all users)

Enumerate domains and slots


Assign and unassign boards


No special privileges


Where x represent a domain, can:

  • Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
  • Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the sdxadm group in all domains.
  • Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on, and power-off a board that is in domain x's available component list.


Where x represent a domain, can:

  • Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
  • Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the sdxop group in all domains.

Sun Fire 15K and 12K System Groups

To modify the /etc/group file, which shows group membership on a Sun Fire15K or 12K system, you run the /opt/SUNWSMS/bin/smsconfig script with arguments. See the System Management Services (SMS) 1.2 Administrator Guide for Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems for more information.

The following table shows all the operations that users can perform based on their group membership:

TABLE 1-2 Permitted Tasks Based on Group - Sun Fire 15K and 12K


Tasks that the User Can Perform


Assign, unassign, power-on, and power-off boards


No special privileges


Where x represent a domain, can:

  • Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
  • Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the dmnxadm group in all domains.
  • Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on, and power-off a board that is in domain x's available component list.


Where x represent a domain, can:

  • Enumerate attachment points in domain x.
  • Enumerate all attachment points if the user is in the dmnxrcfg group in all domains.
  • Change an attachment point state, assign, unassign, power-on, and power-off a board that is in domain x's available component list.

Solaris WBEM Services

WDR is an extension of the Solaris WBEM Services software, which is included in the Solaris 8 2/02 and Solaris 9 operating environments. Solaris WBEM Services software provides secure access and manipulation of management data, and enables software developers to create client applications that manage system resources in the Solaris environment.

Solaris WBEM Services software consists of components that function at three levels:

Solaris WBEM Services components interact with the Solaris software and with the system hardware. For more information about the Solaris WBEM Services software, visit the Solaris WBEM Web site at www.sun.com/software/solaris/wbem.

Developers of load balancing and other system management applications can use Solaris WBEM Services software to obtain information about the current level of resource utilization on a Sun Fire system domain. WDR itself does not provide system performance data.

CIM Object Manager (CIMOM)

The CIMOM manages CIM objects on a WBEM system. The CIMOM transfers information between WBEM clients, the CIMOM Repository, and to managed resources via providers. The CIMOM accepts connections from management applications using the RMI protocol, and provides the following services to connected clients:

WBEM Providers

WDR contains several provider classes, which are expressed in the MOF files. WBEM providers are classes that act as intermediaries between the CIMOM and managed objects on a system. WBEM providers get information from, set information on, and may perform operations on, managed devices. WBEM providers forward retrieved information to the CIMOM, which is a part of the Solaris WBEM Services software, for delivery to the requesting clients.

When the CIMOM receives a request for information that is not available in the CIMOM Repository, it forwards the request to a provider. The provider receives requests for information, and returns the information, using APIs.

Solaris WBEM Software Development Kit (SDK)

Developers of WDR applications can use the Solaris WBEM SDK. However, there is no requirement to use the Solaris WBEM SDK because WDR uses a standard set of protocols. For more information about the Solaris WBEM SDK visit the Sun Developer Connection at:
