Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Status and Error Messages

The following sections list the status messages and most common error messages that appear in the log file /var/opt/SUNWconn/ppp.log.

Note -

The log file can grow very large and should be truncated regularily.

To display the messages logged in ppp.log, type:

prompt% tail -f /var/opt/SUNWconn/ppp.log

Status Messages

The following status messages trace the progress of successful IP connections over PPP links, and are displayed during normal link operation. They may also indicate problems that occur as a result of configurations errors.

add_default_route:default route not allowed on ipd device

The keyword default_route is not allowed in path definitions associated with point-to-multipoint (ipdn) IP interfaces.

Check that the connect script is correct, or PPP may not be started on the remote host

Indicates that the link manager failed to establish a PPP link to the remote host. This may be because PPP is not running on the remote host, or it may indicate that there is an error in the login dialog defined in the connect script. Check that there is a valid login id and password contained in the script, and that a corresponding user account exists on the remote host. If the remote host is not running Solaris, you may need to change other components in the login dialog. See "Editing the CHAT (or Connect) Scripts" for detailed instructions.

Connection closed on ip_interface

Indicates that an IP connection for the specified interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) was closed normally, following a terminate request from either the local or the remote host.

Connection requested to remote_host

Indicates that the link manager received a request for an IP connection to the specified remote host. The remote host must be defined in the file link.conf.

Device unix_device has been disconnected

Indicates that the modem connection has been closed normally, following a disconnect request generated by one of the endpoints in the link.

Dialing number phone_number ...

Indicates that the modem is dialing the specified number to establish a physical connection to the remote host.

Dialup_path login_id already used for another connection

Indicates that two remote hosts, using the same login id, have made simultaneous connections. Only one connection can be treated at a time.

Dialup_path not defined for outgoing call

Indicates that there is no remote host associated with the dialup path definition that is being used in an attempt to initiate a connection. Modify the dialup path definition in the file ppp.conf to add a remote host, and add a corresponding remote host definition to the file link.conf, if necessary.

Disconnect indication on ip_interface

Indicates that a PPP terminate request was generated by one of the endpoints in the link. This usually indicates a normal disconnection following the expiry of the inactivity timeout, for example.

Got modem connection

Indicates that the modem has completed dialing successfully and that the physical connection has been established.

Host [remote_host] not found in the host list

Indicates that the link manager is trying to establish a connection to a remote host that is not defined in the file link.conf. Check that the remote_host keyword in the dialup path definition points to a valid remote host definition.

Host remote_host is not available

Indicates that the remote host could not be accessed for some reason. It may indicate that the remote device is busy.

IP up on interface ip_interface, with timeout set to timeout

Indicates that an IP connection has been established successfully for the specified interface (ipdn or ipdptpn). The IP connection will be closed automatically after timeout seconds of inactivity, or earlier if the inactivity timeout set at the remote end of the connection is set to a lower value.

IP up on ip_interface

Indicates that the IP layer for the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been configured and brought up. The IP connection has been completed successfully, and the timeout has been set to zero. The IP connection will remain open until closed explicitly, by stopping Solstice PPP or running pppdisc(1M).

IP_NCP down on ip_interface

Indicates that the IP network control protocol (NCP) layer for the specified interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been brought down. This may be due to a termination request generated by either host.

IP_NCP up on ip_interface

Indicates that the IP network control protocol (NCP) layer for the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been configured and brought up. See Appendix A, PPP Link Operation" for more information about this phase of the PPP link negotiation.

Interface ip_interface has timed out

Indicates that the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been closed automatically after the inactivity timeout at one end of the link has expired.

Invalid empty name for chat script

Indicates that there is no CHAT script defined in the file link.conf for this remote host. You must create a unique CHAT script for each remote host to which the local host will initiate connections. See "Editing the CHAT (or Connect) Scripts" for detailed instructions.

LCP down on ip_interface

Indicates that the link control protocol (LCP) layer for the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been brought down. This may be due to a termination request generated by either host.

LCP up on ip_interface

Indicates that the link control protocol (LCP) layer for the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn) has been configured and brought up. See Appendix A, PPP Link Operation" for more information about this phase of the PPP link negotiation.

License manager has exited

Indicates that there is a problem with the license system. Check that the license daemon is configured and running.

Link manager (pid) has started date

Indicates that the PPP link manager has been configured and started successfully.

No device available for ip_interface

Indicates that all there are no more modems available. This is normally a temporary situation, which occurs when there are more IP connections requested than there are modems.

PPP error on ip_interface: reason

Indicates that an error occurred during either the link establishment, or the peer authentication phase. The reason for the error is given as part of the error message. Use ppptrace(1M) for further diagnosis.

Received incoming call while dialing

Indicates that the local host received a connection request from a remote host, while it was attempting to initiate an outgoing call on the same modem. This message is displayed for information only, local host will continue it call.

Received a call on ip_interface

Indicates that the local host accepted an incoming connection for the specified IP interface (ipdn or ipdptpn).

Remote host is busy

Indicates that the call could not be completed because the remote modem is already being used for another connection.

Resetting the modem to server mode

Indicates that the program pppsetmod(1M) has been used to initialize the modem in server (or answer) mode so that it waits for incoming connections. This programs sends the server string contained in the modems database file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ppp/modems.

Successful configuration

Indicates that the configuration files ppp.conf and link.conf were parsed successfully when Solstice PPP was started.

PPP has found a valid license

Indicates that the license daemon is running and that Solstice PPP has been given a license token.

PPP is waiting to get a license

Indicates that the license daemon is running, but that has assigned all the available license tokens to other users. PPP is waiting for a token to be released.

Timeout expired

Indicates that the IP connection has been inactive for the number of seconds defined by the inactivity_timeout parameter (default 120 seconds). The connection is closed automatically.

Unable to find the required expect_login_id login_id

Indicates that the PPP login service has accepted an incoming connection, following a successful UNIX login sequence, but that the link manager has not found a dialup path definition in the file ppp.conf with a expect_login_id parameter that matches the login id sent by the remote host.

Unable to get license, PPP exiting

Indicates that Solstice PPP was unable to get a license token from the license daemon after a certain number of retries. Check that the license daemon is installed correctly and running. If the license daemon is not running on the same machine as Solstice PPP, check that there is a network connection that allows access to the daemon.

Unable to regain license, PPP closing down

Indicates that Solstice PPP lost the license token was unable to get it back after a certain number of retries. Check that the license daemon is still running.

Using dialup_path with expect_login_id login_id

Indicates that the PPP login service has accepted an incoming connection, following a successful UNIX login sequence, and that the link manager has identified the corresponding dialup path definition.

Configuration Error Messages

The following configuration error messages are displayed if errors are encountered when the PPP path configuration file ppp.conf is parsed. In all cases, you should modify the file to correct the error and restart Solstice PPP to correct the problem.

expect_chap_name "name" ends in CR/LF

Indicates that the specified CHAP name is terminated with a carriage return (CR) or line-feed (LF) escape sequence.

expect_chap_name "name" ends in NUL

Indicates that the specified CHAP name is terminated with a NULL character.

default_route: no path defined

Indicates that the specified default_route keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

host IP address not found: hostname

Indicates that the parser was unable to resolve specified hostname to find the IP address. For a synchronous path, the hostname must be associated with an IP address in the file /etc/hosts on the local machine. For an asynchronous path, the hostname may appear in the file /etc/hosts, or be specified by some other naming system.

inactivity_timeout string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the inactivity_timeout parameter. You must enter an integer.

inactivity_timeout: no path defined

Indicates that the specified inactivity_timeout keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

interface number n not recognized

Indicates that the specified number does not correspond to any of the IP interfaces defined in the configuration file.

invalid ip_interface: string

Indicates that the specified string does not correspond to a valid point-to-point (ipdptpn) or point-to-multipoint (ipdn) IP interface.

ip_interface: no path defined

Indicates that the specified ip_interface keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

ipcp_compression value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the ipcp_compression parameter. Valid values are vj (enabled) and off (disabled).

ipcp_compression: no path defined

Indicates that the specified inactivity_timeout keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any dialup path definition.

ipd or ipdptp keyword expected

Indicates that the ip_interface keyword appears without specifying a valid point-to-point (ipdptpn) or point-to-multipoint (ipdn) IP interface.

lcp_async_map value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the lcp_async_map parameter. You must enter a hexadecimal value between 0x0 and 0xffffffff.

lcp_async_map: no path defined

Indicates that the specified lcp_async_map keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any dialup path definition.

lcp_compression value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the lcp_compression parameter. Valid values are on (enabled) and off (disabled).

lcp_compression: no path defined

Indicates that the specified lcp_compression keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

lcp_max_restart value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the lcp_max_restart parameter. You must enter an integer between 1 and 255.

lcp_max_restart: no path defined

Indicates that the specified lcp_max_restart keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

lcp_mru value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the lcp_mru parameter. You must enter an integer between 1 and 255.

lcp_mru: no path defined

Indicates that the specified lcp_mru keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

lcp_restart_timer value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the lcp_restart_timer parameter. You must enter an integer.

lcp_restart_timer: no path defined

Indicates that the specified lcp_restart_timer keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

link_monitor value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the link_monitor parameter. Valid values are on (enabled) and off (disabled).

link_monitor: no path defined

Indicates that the specified link_monitor keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous path definition.

link_monitor_retries value string not recognized

Indicates that the specified string is not a valid value for the link_monitor_retries parameter. You must enter an integer.

link_monitor_retries: no path defined

Indicates that the specified link_monitor_retries keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous path definition.

link_monitor_timer value string not recognized

Indicates that the specified string is not a valid value for the link_monitor_timer parameter. You must enter an integer.

link_monitor_timer: no path defined

Indicates that the specified link_monitor_timer keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous path definition.

malformed ip address: string

Indicates that the specified string is not a valid IP address, entered in Internet dot notation. IP addresses should have the form:

must specify chap_own_secret

Indicates that the send_authentication keyword has been used to enable CHAP authentication when requested by a remote host, but that the mandatory CHAP parameter chap_own_secret has not been set.

must specify chap_peer_secret

Indicates that the send_authentication keyword has been used to enable CHAP authentication when requested by a remote host, but that the mandatory CHAP parameter chap_peer_secret has not been set.

must specify expect_chap_name

Indicates that the expect_authentication keyword has been used to request CHAP authentication from a remote host, but that the mandatory CHAP parameter expect_chap_name has not been set.

must specify send_chap_name

Indicates that the send_authentication keyword has been used to request CHAP authentication from a remote host, but that the mandatory CHAP parameter send_chap_name has not been set.

no paths defined in filename

The PPP path configuration file ppp.conf must contain at least one synchronous or asynchronous path definition. See "Editing the PPP Path Configuration File (ppp.conf)" for detailed instructions.

off, pap, or chap required: string

Indicates that the specified string is not a valid value for the expect_authentication parameter. Valid values are off (no authentication), pap (authentication using PAP), chap (authentication using CHAP), or pap|chap (authentication using both PAP and CHAP).

ppp_link_name: no path defined

Indicates that the specified ppp_link_name keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

remote_host too long: string

Indicates that there was not enough memory available to store the value of the remote_host parameter. This error message may indicate a more serious system error.

remote_host: no path defined

Indicates that the specified remote_host keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any dialup path definition.

remote_ip_addr: no path defined

Indicates that the specified remote_ip_addr keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any dialup path definition.

request_ip_addr value string not recognized

Indicates that the specifies string is not a valid value for the request_ip_addr parameter. Valid values are on (enabled) and off (disabled).

unix_device: no path defined

Indicates that the specified unix_device keyword appears in the configuration file, but is not associated with any synchronous or dialup path definition.

wildcards (* | ?) not legal for ipd

You cannot use wildcards to specify point-to-multipoint (ipdn) interfaces. In particular, you cannot use an asterisk (*) to specify a dynamic IP interface.

System Error Messages

System error messages indicate severe system or software errors, and should not appear during normal operation. They have the following form:

function_name: error_description failed

For example, the following system error indicates a memory allocation problem:

do_chap_name: malloc failed

If system errors occur, try stopping and restarting Solstice PPP. If system errors continue to occur systematically, contact your authorized service provider, and provide a description of the error message and the circumstances under which it is displayed.