Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Displaying IP NCP Statistics

Executing the pppstat command with the -n option displays information about the IP NCP (network control protocol) frames sent and received since Solstice PPP was started.

prompt# pppstat -n

IPNCP status for PPP MIB link number 1

3 IPNCP packets in (42 octets)     3 IPNCP packets out (48 octets)
0 IPNCP protocol rejects
2 IPNCP Configure Requests sent	1 IPNCP Configure Reqs received
1 IPNCP Configure Acks sent	1 IPNCP Configure Acks received
0 IPNCP Configure Naks sent	1 IPNCP Configure Naks received
0 IPNCP Configure Rejs sent	0 IPNCP Configure Rejs received
0 IPNCP Terminate Requests sent	0 IPNCP Terminate Reqs received
0 IPNCP Terminate Acks sent	0 IPNCP Terminate Acks received
0 IPNCP Code Rejects sent	0 IPNCP Code Rejects received
0 IPNCP Echo Requests sent	0 IPNCP Echo Requests received
0 IPNCP Echo Responses sent	0 IPNCP Echo Responses received
0 IPNCP Disconnect Reqs sent	0 IPNCP Disconnect Reqs received