Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Checking the Routing Tables (netstat)

Use netstat(1M) to check the network addresses of the local and remote hosts, by typing:

prompt# /usr/sbin/netstat -i
lo0	8232	loopback	localhost	4631890	0	4631890	0	0	0
le0	1500	lab	local	5370160	15	2153627	273	430451	0
ipdptp0	1500	remote	local	0	0	0	0 	0	0

Check that the local and remote addresses are correct. Hostnames must be resolved as IP addresses in either the local file /etc/hosts, or by a naming service (NIS/NIS+ or DNS). IP interfaces for synchronous links are initialized by Solstice PPP before the naming services are available; therefore the hostname for these files must be resolved in /etc/hosts.

Use netstat(1M) to check the routing table, by typing:

prompt# /usr/sbin/netstat -r

If the routing table does not include the expected routes, check that the routing daemon in.routed is running on your machine, by typing:

prompt# ps -ef | grep in.routed
owner 12481  3812  7 23:06:08 pts/6    0:00 grep in.routed