Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Problems with the CHAT Script

The CHAT scrip is executed automatically each time a client initiates a call. It is used to exchange information with the server during the connection phase.

The following log file extract shows the log messages generated when the client did not receive the response it expected from the server:

11/14/95 15:38:52 - Connection requested to miles
11/14/95 15:38:53 - Dialing number P365 ...
11/14/95 15:39:35 - Got modem connection
11/14/95 15:39:53 - Timeout expired
11/14/95 15:40:03 - Timeout expired
11/14/95 15:40:13 - Timeout expired
11/14/95 15:40:23 - Timeout expired
11/14/95 15:40:23 - fail at line 18 in chat script /etc/opt/

The following log file extract shows the log messages generated when the client did not send the response expected by the server:

11/14/95 15:58:03 - Connection requested to miles
11/14/95 15:58:04 - Dialing number P365 ...
11/14/95 15:58:37 - Got modem connection
11/14/95 15:59:16 - Timeout expired
11/14/95 15:59:16 - fail at line 25 in chat script /etc/opt/

In some circumstances, an error in the CHAT script can provoke a loopback condition when the login sequence is not completed successfully. The following log file extract show the error messages generated by a loopback condition:

11/14/95 15:45:05 - Connection requested to miles
11/14/95 15:45:06 - Dialing number P365 ...
11/14/95 15:45:42 - Got modem connection
11/14/95 15:45:58 - PPP error on ipdptp0: Loop back detected
11/14/95 15:45:58 - Check if your connect script is correct.
11/14/95 15:45:58 - Or PPP may not be started on the remote host