Solstice PPP 3.0.1 Administration Guide

Defining Asynchronous Devices

Asynchronous devices are identified in the file link.conf by the keyword dialup_device, which starts each definition.


Asynchronous device definitions have the following general form:

dialup_device     pppdevn
    unix_device   device_name
    line_speed    speed
    modem         modem_id
    calls         call_type

dialup_device pppdevn

Mandatory parameter for asynchronous devices. Indicates the start of an asynchronous device definition, and assigns a name to the device.

unix_device device_name

Mandatory parameter for asynchronous devices. Specifies the serial port used to connect between the host and the modem.

line_speed speed [ctsrts]

Mandatory parameter for asynchronous devices. Specifies the line speed for the connection between the host and the modem. For optimum performance, the line speed should be equal to, or greater than, the baud rate of the modem. The option ctsrts enables software flow control using Clear to Send and Ready to Send signals.

modem modem_id

Mandatory parameter for asynchronous devices. Specifies the type of modem connected to the serial port, and associates the asynchronous device with one of the definitions in the modem database, which is the file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/ppp/modems by default. This parameter is set to none for a null modem configuration.

call_setup call_type

Mandatory parameter for asynchronous devices. Specifies the behavior of the device during the call setup phase. The value call_type can be answer (device accepts calls only), dial (device makes initiates calls only), or both (device accepts and initiates calls).


The following asynchronous device definitions use a BocaModem V.34 DataFax modems, and a line speed of 38400. The first device accepts and initiates calls; the second device initiates calls only:

dialup_device      pppdev0
    unix_device    ttya
    line_speed     38400
    modem          BocaModem V.34 DataFax
    call_setup     both
dialup_device      pppdev1
    unix_device    ttyb
    line_speed     38400
    modem          BocaModem V.34 DataFax
    call_setup     dial

The following asynchronous device definition accepts calls in a null modem configuration:

dialup_device      pppdev0
    unix_device    ttya
    line_speed     38400
    modem          none
    call_setup     answer