Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

Pattern Matching Statements

The syntax for the audit rules file enables you to perform ANDing and ORing operations.

AND Statement

For a given subtree directive, all pattern matching statements are logically ANDed with the subtree. Patterns have the following syntax:

For example, the following subtree example includes the contents of /home/nickiso/src except for object files, core files, and all of the SCCS subtrees. Note that directory names that terminate with .o and directories named core are not excluded because the patterns specified do not terminate with /.

/home/nickiso/src !*.o !core !SCCS/

OR Statement

Group multiple subtree directives together. Such subtree directives are logically ORed together.

/home/nickiso/src !*.o !core
/home/nickiso/docs *.sdw
IGNORE	mtime lnmtime dirmtime

The files included in the previous example are as follows:

For these files, all attributes are checked except for modification times.