Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

Creating the Archive Parameters File

An archive parameters file specifies application-specific parameters and default values. The archive parameters file contains entries in the following format:

The archive parameters file can be created by any text editor capable of saving files as plain ASCII text.

Following is a simple example of an archive parameter file:

name=telnet label="Do you want to enable telnet?" default=yes
name=ftp label="Do you want to enable ftp?" default=yes
name=finger label="Do you want to enable finger?" default=yes

Archive parameters must be described in a text file called ic_cfgparams. The file must be located in the directory from which the flar create command is invoked. This file must also be specified as a "user-defined section" of the Solaris Flash archive by using the -u option to the flar create command.