Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

How to Import Solaris Boot Images to the Change Manager Repository (Command Line)

The Solaris boot image is used to deploy software stacks to managed hosts.

The time required to import a file to the Change Manager repository depends on the size of the file and the speed of the network.

For an initial installation, the managed host boots and mounts a small Solaris root. The root is contained in the boot image. Then, the managed host runs the installation program. For an update, the managed host runs the installation program, which is stored on the boot image.

  1. Determine where the boot image exists and where to store it.

    For example, copy the boot image from /net/test1/home/suzi/s9fcs to the / folder.

    The path to the boot image must point to the top directory of the Solaris installation media. The installation media can be on a CD or on another system on the network. The top directory of the Solaris installation media contains the Copyright and installer files, and either the Solaris_8 or Solaris_9 directory. These directories contain the Solaris packages and the Solaris boot image.

    Note -

    If you import the boot image from a CD, point to the directory named something like /cdrom/Solaris version/s0. For example, the directory for a Solaris 9 boot image would be /cdrom/sol_9_sparc/s0.

  2. Import a Solaris boot image to the Change Manager repository by using one of these changemgr import commands.

    • The following command line imports one file at a time. You can also use this command line to rename the file.

      $ changemgr import [ -u username ] [ -p file ] filepath[.type] \
    • The following command line imports several files to a folder simultaneously.

      $ changemgr import [ -u username ] [ -p file ] filepath.type ... \
    -u username

    Specify the user name to authenticate. If this option is not specified, the user is the current UNIX user.

    -p file

    file consists of a single line, which contains the password. If file is -, then the user can supply the password as standard input.

    If the -p option is not supplied, then the changemgr command prompts the user for his password.


    Specifies an absolute or relative path to a file. This file path is not within the Change Manager repository.


    Specifies the path to a file, not including a folder, that is relative to the top of the Change Manager repository.


    Specifies the path to a folder that is relative to the top of the Change Manager repository.


    Specifies the file name suffix that represents the file type. A Solaris boot image uses the .miniroot suffix.

    Choose a file name that indicates the versions of the Solaris operating environment the boot image supports. For example, create a boot image named Solaris9.miniroot.

Example-Importing a Solaris Boot Image to the Change Manager Repository

Suzi copies the boot image from the /net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_9 directory to the / folder. She calls the boot image Solaris_9.miniroot.

$ changemgr import /net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_9 \

Example-Importing Solaris Boot Images to the Change Manager Repository

Suzi copies the boot images from the /net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_9 and /net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_8.202 directories to the /BootImages folder.

$ changemgr import /net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_9 \
/net/test1/home/suzi/Solaris_8.202 /BootImages