Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

How to Import a Manifest to the Change Manager Repository (Web Browser)

The manifests are created by the Build Manifests command.

The time required to import a file to the Change Manager repository depends on the size of the file and the speed of the network.

  1. If you are not already in the appropriate folder, see How to Access the Files Section and Appropriate Folder (Web Browser).

  2. From the File Actions menu, choose Import Manifest.

  3. Supply the following information:

    • Manifest name. Choose a meaningful name. For example, choose a name that describes the audit rules used, the managed host's name, and the date and time of the audit. Add the .bmft suffix to complete the manifest name, usr-only.host12.may122002.bmft.

    • Path name to the manifest file to import. Click Browse to find the manifest.

  4. When the information is complete, click Import to copy the manifest to the Change Manager repository.

    Click Cancel to return to the previous page.