Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide

How to Uninstall Change Manager Server Software From the Change Manager Server

The cmuninst command uninstalls the Sun Management Center Web Console packages and the Change Manager server and agent packages. The Change Manager database and Change Manager repository are not removed.

  1. Become superuser.

  2. Go to the directory where you extracted the Change Manager 1.0 product tar file.

  3. Uninstall the Change Manager database and software by typing:

    # ./disk1/sbin/cmuninst

    See the cminst(1MCM) man page for details.

  4. Determine whether you want to preserve the Change Manager database.

    • If you type n, the database is removed.

    • If you type y, the database is preserved.

  5. Determine whether you want to remove the Change Manager server software.

    • If you type y, the packages are removed.

    • If you type n, the packages are preserved.

  6. Determine whether you want to restart the Sun Management Center agent and server components.

    • If you type y, the server is restarted and cmuninst exits.

    • If you type n, cmuninst exits.