Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Release Notes

Caution Regarding Add-On Agent Modules

Although the Sun Management Center base agent is required by Change Manager, add-on agent modules such as those installed for Performance Reporting Manager (PRM), System Reliability Manager (SYSRM), and Advanced System Monitoring (ASM) cannot be properly configured when deployed in Solaris Flash archives. Therefore, when building a Solaris Flash archive that is to be deployed by Change Manager, you should not install agent add-on modules because they will be unconfigured when the Solaris Flash archive is deployed to a managed host. This limitation is not expected to be present in a future version of Change Manager.

Although "Creating a Deployable Solaris Flash Archive (Tasks)" in Sun Management Center Change Manager 1.0 Administration Guide suggests installing platform agent modules on the master host prior to creating the Flash Archive, these modules also might be unconfigured when the Solaris Flash archive is deployed to a managed host. This might limit the full use of the management capabilities provided by Sun Management Center for managed hosts deployed by Change Manager. This limitation is not expected to be present in a future version of Change Manager.