Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Appendix A Network Computer Configuration Form

The Network Computer Configuration form shows the information required to set up and configure network computers in a network environment. Complete this form and proceed to Chapter 2, Booting the JavaStation Using Netra j for JavaStation configuration instructions

Field Name  


Your System Information  

NIS Domain Name (optional) 

The NIS domain in which the network computers reside.  


NIS Server Address(es) (optional) 

The host address(es) of NIS servers for the network computers.  


DNS Domain Name 

The DNS domain in which the network computers reside.  


DNS Server Address(es) 

The host address of the DNS server for the network computers.  


Boot Server Address 

The host address of the network computer boot server on the local network. The boot server provides DHCP, TFTP, and NFS services.  


Time Server Address 

The IP address of a server supporting the NTP protocol.  


Router Address(es) (optional) 

The host address(es) of the routers to be used by the network computers. If not specified, the JavaOS on each network computer will broadcast looking for a router.  


Lease Time (in days) 

The duration (in days) of an IP address lease. IP addresses are leased to network computers, not assigned permanently. For more information, refer to the Netra j Administrator's Guide.



Lease Negotiation 

A yes or no value that specifies whether the boot server renews the IP address leases of clients requesting lease renewal.  


Network Interfaces 

A list of the network interfaces accessible to the Netra j system. Each interface is associated with a physical device. However, a physical device can have multiple network interfaces.  


Input Method Server (optional) 

A server with a language engine to interpret the keyboard input method (for Korean, Chinese, and Japanese languages only). This server must be running a localized version of Solaris. 


Input Method Port (optional) 

The port where the language engine is accessible.  


Time Zone 

The time zone in which the JavaStation clients are located. 


Fonts Server (optional) 

The host address or host name of the fonts server for the network computers. A fonts server is required if alternate fonts will be used by the network computers. For more information, refer to the Netra j Administrator's Guide.


Fonts Directory (optional) 

The directory location of the fonts for the network computers.  


Localized Resources Server (optional) 

The host address or host name of the localized resources server for the network computers. Localized resources, such as keyboard mapping tables, support network computer operation in different languages. For more information, refer to the Netra j Administrator's Guide.


Localized Resources Directory (optional) 

The directory location of the localized resources for the network computers.  


Login Locales List (optional) 

The list of locales presented as choices to the user logging on to a network computer.  


JavaOS Command Line 

The JavaOS command line is a formatted text string containing definitions of either JavaOS or system properties. These properties control characteristics of JavaOS such as the language it uses. For more information, refer to the Netra j Administrator's Guide.