Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Adding the GO-Joe Icon to the HotJava Views Selector

At installation, The Go-Joe properties are dumped into the selector.apps file located in /opt/SUNWjdt/lib/props. There are several selector.desktop files corresponding to their group located under /opt/SUNWjdt/lib/props/group/selector.desktop. You should add the GO-Joe entry to the appropriate groups selector.desktop file.

Upon installation of the GO-Joe packages, the Icon and all associated properties are added to the HotJava Views application palette automatically.

See the HotJavaViews online help for additional information.

To Add the OCS Icon to the HotJava Views Selector
  1. Choose Network Computer Server --> HotJava Views Administration.

    The HotJava Views Administration page is displayed.

  2. Choose Client-side Configuration --> Groups and Configuration.

  3. Choose the Group to which you want to add the GO-Joe icon and click the Selector Applications button.

  4. Choose the WebConnect entry in the Application Pallete and click Add.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Click Set Default Group to set this group as default.

    The default is Basic.

HotJava Views Selector is now configured with the GO-Joe icon.