Netra j 2.0 Administrator's Guide

Application Loading Properties

The properties listed in Table 9-2 control selection and loading of the main application on the JavaStation after the user logs in. For instructions on using these properties, see Chapter 10, Dynamically Loading Applications .

Table 9-2 JavaOS Application Loading Properties

Property Name 

Default Value 




If defined, JavaOS launches a simple point-and-click Application Launcher window. This property should be set to the URL of an HTML document that lists the applications to display.  

javaos. mainProgram



Set to the name of the application's main class.

javaos. mainHomeprop


Set to the name of the property specifying the application's root directory. For example, HotJava Views uses the hotjava.home property to specify its root directory. Other applications may have different property names. When the virtual file system is created, this property is set to enable the application to find its files.



Set to the name of the archive containing the application files.