Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide


GO-Joe provides diagnostic tools and outputs to help diagnose problems that may arise due to misconfiguration and other difficulties. Check these if you encounter any problems.

Diagnostic Tools

JavaOS Console Output

On devices that provide it, the JavaOS console output (see "Troubleshooting") can be highly informative if the applet terminates prematurely. When viewing this output, look for all exceptions that may be listed. Exceptions may occur that cause further exceptions as the program continues to execute, and it is usually the original exception that indicates the true cause of the problem. In addition, the GO-Joe applet prints messages to the status bar, but not all Java environments show this status (or they may overwrite it with their own status messages). These messages are also sent to the Java console, so they may be visible in the console log when they are not visible on the status line.

The /tmp/Xerr:n Error File

The GlobalHost loadable ddx module redirects the standard error output for the session to a file called /tmp/Xerr:n, where n represents the display number of the session. This file contains diagnostic messages from the GlobalInit program, from the ddx loadable module itself, and from the X clients that run throughout the session.

Common Problems

The GO-Joe product has been designed to be easy to configure and use, yet is somewhat complex in operation. Some of the more common problems encountered are described here.

HTML References

If the GO-Joe applet fails to load entirely, check the HTML file you are loading and verify that the APPLET tag is correctly formed. Check the codebase path and the path and file name to the applet file itself. Finally, investigate the log files for your HTTP server (usually called access_log and error_log) to see if the applet is being successfully transmitted to the Java environment. It may help to exit your browser or Java environment and restart it to clear any cached files that may be interfering with the applet's execution.

Java Security Manager Exceptions

All Java environments implement a security manager that determines what operations may be dangerous for an applet to perform and can enable or restrict these actions as it sees fit. The biggest restriction that most Security Managers implement with respect to GO-Joe is that an applet is allowed to connect only to the host that served that applet. If you have such a Security Manager, your GO-Joe applet is only able to connect to the go-login program running on the server that the applet was loaded from. In addition, the diagfile functionality of GO-Joe is similarly restricted.

The JavaStation produces a message as follows:

Sunw.hotjava.applet.AppletSecurityException: checkconnect.networknone