Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Defining Boot Server Global Parameters

Table 2-2 describes the global parameters you can configure through the Netra j GUI. Some of the parameters listed in the table are considered basic whereas others can be configured using the advanced global parameters forms.

Optional parameters have the phrase (optional) mentioned after them. Other parameters are required.

If your server is already on the network and is properly configured, Netra j obtains most of the global parameters automatically. To verify this information or to make any changes, refer to the appropriate modules for instructions.

You can modify the global parameters that are used by the boot server for all NCs. The global parameters are described in Table 2-2.

To Configure or Modify Global Parameters
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Computer Administration," click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Global Network Computer Management," click Configure (or Modify) Global Parameters.

    The Configure (or Modify) Global Parameters page is displayed.

  3. Complete or modify the form using the information in following table.

    Table 2-2 Network Computer Global Parameters



    NIS Domain Name (optional) 

    The name of the NIS domain in which the NCs reside.  

    NIS Server Address(es) (optional) 

    The list of host address(es) of NIS or servers for the NCs. A list of NIS server addresses configured in the NC server database is displayed. 

    DNS Domain Name 

    The name of the DNS domain in which the NCs reside.  

    DNS Server Address(es) 

    The host address of the DNS server(s) for the NCs. 

    Boot Server Address 

    The host address of the NC boot server on the local network. 

    Time Server Address 

    The IP address of a server supporting the network time protocol (NTP). 

    Router Address(es) (optional) 

    A list of host address(es) of the routers to be used by the NCs. If not given, JavaOS broadcasts looking for a router.  

    A list of router addresses configured in the NC server database is displayed.  

    Lease Time (in days) 

    The duration (in days) of the IP address lease to the NC client. By default, this field is set to 3 days. After this period of time, if an IP address lease is not renewed, the NC shuts down its network interface. A value of -1 specifies an infinite (permanent) lease.  

    Lease Negotiation 

    A "Yes" or "No" flag indicating whether lease negotiation is to be performed. If the lease time is set to the value "infinite" (-1), "Yes" has no meaning. 

    Network Interfaces 

    An access point to a system on a network. Each interface is associated with one physical device (however, a physical device can have multiple network interfaces). 

    Time Zone 

    Specifies the time zone in which the NC clients are located. This 3-letter field defaults to the time zone specified in the NC server database. 

To Unconfigure Global Parameters
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Computer Administration," click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Global Network Computer Management," click Unconfigure Global Parameters.

    The Unconfigure Global Parameters page is displayed.

  3. Click OK.