Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Network Computers - Local Printer Setup

You can use this form to configure a printer attached to the serial port of a specific NC. You need to set up the NC before setting up the local printer.

To Set Up a Local Printer
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "Network Computer Administration" click Network Computer Server.

    The Network Computer Configuration page is displayed.

  2. Under "Network Computer Management," click Configure Local Printer for a Network Computer.

    The Network Computer - Local Printer Setup window is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 2-10 Local Printer Setup Options



    Select Network Computer 

    Choose the NC for this local printer setup. 


    This property sets the communications parameters for the serial port. The port portion of this property is the name of a serial port which can be:  

    • SerialA or SerialB for an onboard JavaStation serial port

    • One of SerialP1 - SerialP8 for a virtual serial port enabled by the multi-port serial card (MPSC).

    Select Bit Rate 

    The bit rate of the serial port. The bit rate is the rate at which data is sent over a communication line. The default bit rate is 4800. 

    Number of Data Bits 

    The number of data bits. The default is 7. 

    Number of Stop Bits 

    The number of stop bits. Stop bits are extra "1" bits which follow the data and any parity bit. They mark the end of a unit of transmission (normally a byte or character). The default is 1. 

    Select Parity 

    The parity. An extra bit added to a byte or word to reveal errors in transmission. Even (odd) parity means that the parity bit is set so that there are an even (odd) number of one bits in the word, including the parity bit. The default is "no parity." 

    Enter Handshake 

    The handshake identifier. A handshake is the exchange of predetermined signals between the NC and local printer to assure each that it is connected to the other (and not to an impostor). The default is hh.

    Note -

    Peripherals other than printers can be added to NC ports. See the JavaStation Client Software Guide for more detail.

Example for Adding Groups of NCs

A small company just purchased fifteen NCs with a server. The company plans to have 10 English speaking accountants, 2 French speaking people responsible for operations, and 3 English speaking engineers. The accountants need to connect to a mainframe (OCS) and use HJV; the operations people need HJB; and the engineers need X-windows (GO-Joe). This is how the company set up its network.

First they set up the hardware and installed the Netra j software. Then they filled out the Network Computer Configuration Form in Appendix A, Network Computer Configuration Form.

The system administrator started a web browser on the server with URL servername:81 and logged in (setup, setup). For the initial configuration system defaults, the system administrator, chose CST and English (most users were English speaking). Next the system administrator selected the Sun WebServer as the default web server and set the web server document root.

Because this NC network was not added to an already existing network, there were no NIS or DNS servers. So the system administrator went to Name Service Administration and set up the Netra server as a caching (basic) DNS server, then as a client to itself.

After setting the document root and configuring global parameters, the system administrator selected adding multiple computers. This form was filled out for the ten NCs used by the accountants since that was the largest group. Prefix: acc, starting IP address:, Number of NCs: 10, Lease Time: 3, Default Application: views, NC locale: English, Keyboard: Canadian. The system administrator made the leasing dynamic.

The system administrator clicked on OCS; the number of licenses was correct, so the administrator finished the install, chose English as the language for the server, then filled in the configuration page: TN3270 gateway host: xxxxx, TN3270 gateway port:xx.

The system administrator added the remaining five NCs individually. The administrator assigned host addresses, so the leasing is static.

For the operations people:

Host name: ops1, ops2; MAC address: xxx,xxx; Host address:,; Lease time: -1 (indefinite or permanent lease); Default Application: browser; NC locale: French; Keyboard: Canadian French.

For the engineers:

Host Name: eng1,eng2,eng3;Mac address:ss,xxx,ddd; Host Address:,,; Lease time: -1;Default Application: views; NC locale: English, Keyboard: Canadian.

The system administrator went to Network Computer Application Management to add Go-Joe, an applet that runs in HotJava Views.