Netra j 3.0 Administrator's Guide

Restore Options

When a directory is restored, all files and directories in that directory are copied from the backup tape to the Netra file system. For example, if you restore the Users' homes directory, all files in all users' directories are copied to the file system.

The following restore options are available:

To Set Backup Options for a Scheduled Backup
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click File System Backup and Restore.

    The File System Backup and Restore page is displayed.

  2. Under "Backup," click Set backup options.

    The File System Backup Options page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 9-3 Backup Options



    Backup Device 

    The tape drive used for the backup procedure. If an attached tape drive is not displayed in the list, restart the server with the "Check for new devices during restart option" in the Restart and Shutdown module. 

    Eject Tape 

    Ejects the tape from the drive after the backup is completed. Choose Yes or No.  


    The directories to be backed up. You must choose at least one of the following directories: Mail (/export/mail), HTML documents (/export/htdocs), Anonymous FTP (/export/ftp), Users' homes (/export/home), Netra configuration, or other. If the Web server's document root is not /export/htdocs, specify the full path name of the document root in the empty text box.

    o The maximum length for a path name prefix is 155 characters. 

    o The maximum length for a file name is 100 characters. 

    o The maximum length for a full path name is 255 characters.  

    Any file names exceeding these limits are not backed up. 

    Note -

    The other directories text field can be used to specify another top-level directory to be saved in the backup. It also must be used to specify an alternate web server document root (other than /export/htdocs) if HTML documents are saved in the backup.

To Back Up the File System Immediately
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click File System Backup and Restore.

    The File System Backup and Restore page is displayed.

  2. Under "Back up," click Immediate backup.

    The Immediate File System Backup page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information described in the Backup Device, Eject Tape, and Directories fields in Table 9-3.

    The directories you specified are backed up immediately.

To Change the Restore Device
  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click File System Backup and Restore.

    The File System Backup and Restore page is displayed.

  2. Under "Restore," click Change restore device.

    The Change Restore Device page is displayed.

  3. Choose the tape drive you want to use to restore the file system.

    Table 9-4 Restore Device Administration



    Restore Device 

    The tape drive that contains the backup tape used to restore the file system. If an attached tape drive is not displayed in the list, restart the server with the Check for new devices during restart option in the Restart and Shutdown module. 

To Restore Groups of Directories

Note -

Before you begin, make sure the tape is in the drive.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click File System Backup and Restore.

    The File System Backup and Restore page is displayed.

  2. Under "Restore," click Easy restore.

    The Easy File System Restore page is displayed.

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 9-5 Easy Restore Administration




    The directories to be restored from the backup tape to the Netra server. You must select at least one directory. Choose Mail (/export/mail), HTML documents (/export/htdocs), Anonymous FTP (/export/ftp), or Users' homes (/export/home). If the Web server's document root is not /export/htdocs, then replace the string "Other Directories" in the text box with the full path name of the document root.

    Restore location 

    The directory that receives the restored directories. If not chosen, the directories are restored into their default directories. 

    Eject Tape 

    Ejects the tape from the drive after the restore operation is completed. Choices: Yes, No.  

To Restore Selected Directories

Note -

Before you begin, make sure the tape is in the drive.

  1. From the Main Administration page, under "System Administration," click File System Backup and Restore.

    The File System Backup and Restore page is displayed.

  2. Under "Restore," click Selective Restore.

    The Selective File System Restore page is displayed. (Note that it takes several minutes for the form to be displayed because the table of contents on the tape must be read first.)

  3. Complete the form using the information in the following table.

    Table 9-6 Selective Restore Administration




    The directories to be restored from the backup tape to the Netra server. You must select at least one directory. Directories are restored recursively. (For example, if you select /export/ftp, all the files in all the directories in /export/ftp are restored.)

    Restore location 

    The directory that receives the restored directories. If not chosen, the directories are restored into their default directories. 

    Eject Tape 

    Ejects the tape from the drive after the restore operation is completed. Choose Yes or No.