Sun Update Connection System 1.0.8 Administration Guide

Registration Service Levels

To use Update Manager, you must register the system on which you installed the software. You can select from three levels of registration and entitlement, which are described in the following sections:

Note –

An unregistered system only has access to security updates. You can manage the updates on your unregistered system by using the smpatch add command and the smpatch remove command.

Registered With No Subscription

You have sent basic information about your system to Sun, but have not purchased an update management subscription. At this service level, you can use the Update Manager application to locally manage updates, which includes doing the following:

Note –

If your update management environment includes a Sun Update Connection Proxy and your system is a client of that proxy, your client system does not need to be registered to use the Update Manager software. However, the system that acts as the proxy must be registered.

Registered With a Subscription

You have sent system information to Sun and have purchased an update management subscription. This service level expands the functionality available at the previous (basic) service level. You can use the Update Manager application for these tasks:

Note –

If your update management environment includes a Sun Update Connection Proxy and your system is a client of that proxy, your client system does not need to be registered to use the Update Manager software. The system that acts as the proxy must be registered. If, however, you decide to use the Sun Update Connection Hosted web application to remotely manage your client system, that system must be registered.

Registered With a Subscription and Managed With Sun Update Connection System

You have sent system information, purchased a subscription, and want to use the Sun Update Connection Hosted web application to remotely manage updates. This service level expands the functionality available at the previous (middle) service level. You can use the Sun Update Connection Hosted web application for these tasks: