Man Pages (3), (3C), (3K), (3N), (3R), (3X), (3X11TSOL): Library Functions
 Basic Security Module functions
  -- au_preselect ( Index Term Link )
  -- au_user_mask ( Index Term Link )
 bclearhigh -- initialize Admin High Binary Clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclearlow -- initialize Admin Low Binary Clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartoh -- Binary Clearance to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartoh_r -- Binary Clearance to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcleartos -- Binary Clearance to string ( Index Term Link )
 bclearundef -- initialize Undefined Binary Clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclearvalid -- check validity of binary clearance ( Index Term Link )
 bclhigh -- initialize Admin High Binary CMW Label ( Index Term Link )
 bcllow -- initialize Admin Low Binary CMW Label ( Index Term Link )
 bcltobanner -- translate Binary CMW Label to printer banner page fields ( Index Term Link )
 bcltoh -- Binary CMW Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltoh_r -- Binary CMW Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltoil -- reference Information Label ( Index Term Link )
 bcltos -- Binary CMW Label to string ( Index Term Link )
 bcltosl -- reference Sensitivity Label ( Index Term Link )
 bclundef -- initialize Undefined Binary CMW Label ( Index Term Link )
 bilconjoin - conjoin two binary information labels ( Index Term Link )
 bildominates -- compare Information Labels for dominance ( Index Term Link )
 bilequal -- compare Information Labels for equality ( Index Term Link )
 bilhigh -- initialize Admin High Binary Information Label ( Index Term Link )
 billow -- initialize Admin Low Binary Information Label ( Index Term Link )
 biltoh -- Binary Information Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 biltoh_r -- Binary Information Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 biltolev -- reference Information Level ( Index Term Link )
 biltos -- Binary Information Label to string ( Index Term Link )
 bilundef -- initialize Undefined Binary Information Label ( Index Term Link )
 bimdominates -- compare Information Label Markings Sets for dominance ( Index Term Link )
 bimequal -- compare Information Label Markings Sets for equality ( Index Term Link )
 bind -- bind a name to a socket ( Index Term Link )
 bldominates -- compare levels for dominance ( Index Term Link )
 blequal -- compare levels for equality ( Index Term Link )
 blinrange -- compare level to be between bounding levels ( Index Term Link )
 blinset -- check level for set inclusion ( Index Term Link )
 blmanifest -- create manifest binary labels ( Index Term Link )
 blmaximum -- least upper bound of two binary Levels ( Index Term Link )
 blminimum -- greatest lower bound two binary Levels ( Index Term Link )
 blminmax -- bound of two binary levels ( Index Term Link )
 blportion -- access binary label portions ( Index Term Link )
 blstrictdom -- compare levels for strict dominance ( Index Term Link )
 bltocolor - get character-coded color name of label ( Index Term Link )
 bltocolor_r - get character-coded color name of label ( Index Term Link )
 bltype -- check type of Binary Label ( Index Term Link )
 blvalid -- check validity of binary label ( Index Term Link )
 bslhigh -- initialize Admin High Binary Sensitivity Label ( Index Term Link )
 bsllow -- initialize Admin Low Binary Sensitivity Label ( Index Term Link )
 bsltoh -- Binary Sensitivity Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bsltoh_r -- Binary Sensitivity Label to hexadecimal string ( Index Term Link )
 bsltos -- Binary Sensitivity Label to string ( Index Term Link )
 bslundef -- initialize Undefined Binary Sensitivity Label ( Index Term Link )
 bslvalid -- check validity of binary sensitivity label ( Index Term Link )
 btohex -- convert binary label to hexadecimal ( Index Term Link )