Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Installing Over the Network

The admin role is in charge of installing over a network. The secadmin role is called upon to modify or set up files or profiles to enable the admin role to complete software installation.

Boot over the Network or with Custom Files

Prerequisite: The network and/or custom files are correctly set up. See the Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide, 806-0957-10, which describes network installations. The same procedures apply to Trusted Solaris network installations, with the Trusted Solaris security protections described in Chapter 9, Installing Trusted Solaris Over a Network.

  1. Boot using the appropriate boot command on the system being installed.

    Example 4-2 SPARC: Boot command for a

    boot net

    Example 4-3 SPARC: Boot command for a custom JumpStart installation

    boot net - install

    A space is required between the minus sign and install.

  2. Answer any prompts that appear.

    If you have correctly set up a network installation, you will be prompted for information after system identification is completed.

    If you have correctly set up a custom JumpStart installation, you are not prompted for information. If you are using a name service, you must set up the clients after JumpStart has completed.

Complete Network and JumpStart Installations

For pointers to administration books, see "Configuration Guides" and "Other Books".

    Check that all Trusted Solaris configuration tasks are complete.

    For an overview of individual workstation configuration tasks, see Chapter 8, Configuring a NIS or NIS+ Client.