Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Create NIS Maps from the Staging Area

  1. Double-click the Create NIS Server action in the System_Admin folder.

    See "To Run a Script from the System_Admin Folder" if you are unfamiliar with using trusted actions.

  2. Enter your NIS domain name.

    For example,

    Domain Name:

    This action creates the domain name, establishes this workstation as the NIS master server, and copies the /etc/nsswitch.nis file over /etc/nsswitch.conf.

  3. When prompted for other NIS servers, enter their host names one by one.

    For example,

    Host: tern

  4. Follow the instructions for ending the prompts.

    The action creates NIS maps from the /setup/files directory. It uses your modified /var/yp/Makefile to create the /var/yp/NIS_maps.

  5. Do not reboot your system yet.