Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Back Up the Workstation

If your workstation has any files on it that you want to save, make sure you perform a backup. The safest way to back up files is to do a level 0 dump. If you do not have a backup procedure in place, see the administrator's guide to your current operating system for instructions.

Note -

If you are migrating from Trusted Solaris 2.5, Trusted Solaris 2.5.1, or Trusted Solaris 7 to the Trusted Solaris 8 release, and you want to retain some profile and user information, be sure to convert the tsoluser and tsolprof databases to their Trusted Solaris 8 formats before installing Trusted Solaris 8. See the tsolconvert man page on the Trusted Solaris web site, Backup and conversion must be completed before Trusted Solaris 8 is installed.