Trusted Solaris User's Guide


In the Trusted Solaris environment, all mail messages are assigned a label. The Mailer sorts incoming mail by label and role and displays separate mail notifier icons in its subpanel (see figure below). This feature lets you focus on mail at labels of interest to you and defer reading mail at other labels. The Mailer operates at one label at a time only. Clicking the Mailer icon in the Front Panel opens the Mailer at the label of the current workspace; clicking a Mailer icon with a label in the subpanel opens the Mailer at that label.

Figure 4-4 Mail Notifier Icons in the Mail Subpanel


When you send mail, the mail will go out at the label of the mail tool in which you compose the message. Only hosts and users that are cleared for that label will receive this mail.

If you need to use the vacation message option in the Mailer, you must explicitly enable vacation message replies for each label at which you typically receive mail. Check with your security administrator for your site's security policy for vacation messages.

The CDE Mailer is supplied by default. If you prefer a different mail application, contact your administrator to ensure that your preferred mail application is installed properly. Although you can install a different mail application by dropping its icon on the Install Icon dropsite in the subpanel, you will lose the notification-by-label feature.