Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Homogeneous Networks

A homogeneous network configuration is the easiest to administer and protect. In a homogeneous network configuration, all workstations run the Trusted Solaris operating environment and use the same NIS or NIS+ master server with the same set of security attributes (clearances, labels, etc.). A typical homogeneous network, served by a NIS+ master, is shown in the following figure. The hosts in a homogeneous network are said to be in the same security domain.

Figure 3-1 Homogeneous Network


Workstations are connected to networks by a physical connector called a network interface. Each network interface has an accreditation range, consisting of a maximum label setting the upper boundary and a minimum label for the lower boundary. The accreditation range controls the sensitivity of the information that can be transmitted or received through the interface.

A single computer running the Trusted Solaris operating environment by itself is considered to be a standalone security domain.