Trusted Solaris Administration Overview

Accreditation Checking

To determine the suitability of a route regarding security, Trusted Solaris runs a series of tests called accreditation checks on the source host, destination host, and the route's emetrics. If the emetric for a particular route is missing, the security attributes for the first-hop gateway in the route are checked. A host's security attributes are derived from information in the tnrhdb, tnrhtp, and tnidb files. The tests check, for example, that a data packet's label is within the range of each host in the route.

Source Accreditation Checks

The accreditation checks conducted on the source host are:

Gateway Accreditation Checks

The accreditation checks conducted on a Trusted Solaris gateway host are:

If the next hop is an unlabeled host, then the label of the source host must match the label of the destination host.

If the packet has the CIPSO option, the following conditions for forwarding must be true:

If the packet has the RIPSO option, the following conditions for forwarding must be true:

Destination Accreditation Checks

When a Trusted Solaris machine receives data, the trusted network software checks for the following:

After the data has passed the accreditation checks above, the system checks that all necessary security attributes are present. If there are missing attributes, the system looks up the source host (by its IP address or a target expression) in the tnrhdb database to get the name of the network security template assigned to the host. The system then retrieves the template's set of security attributes from the tnrhtp database. If there are still security attributes missing, the software looks up the network interface in the tnidb database and retrieves default security attributes.