Trusted Solaris Label Administration

Creating Large Numbers of Labels

Using the 256 compartment bits available for assignment to compartment words, the maximum total number of possible labels that can be constructed using these words is 32767 for each classification. See the following table for the totals of the possible different labels (labels that may dominate each other) and unique labels (labels that do not dominate each other)

Table 1-8 Potential Numbers of Labels for Each Classification
 # of Unique Labels Total # of Different Labels
 10 to the 40th power 10 to the 70th power

The unique labels can use either words or numbers, such as social security numbers. Creation of large numbers of unique labels is made possible by:

As shown by the examples in the following table, the larger the number of compartment groups you define, the smaller the number of compartment words you can have in each set, and the greater the number of possible unique labels.

Table 1-9 Example: Defining Elements of Unique Labels
 Number of Groups of Compartments Number of Compartments in each Groups Number of Possible Disjoint Labels
 85 3 10 to the 40th power
 4 20 (company set) 50 (division set) 50 (group set) 6 million
 9 10 more than all the U.S. social security numbers

Note -

The User Accounts label dialog box is not suited to constructing large numbers of labels with large numbers of components. The label builder is not designed to enforce the rules, such as ensuring that each label has one compartment from each compartment group. When an organization needs large numbers of labels, a script should be written to automate the assignment of labels to users in the user_attr(4) file while enforcing the rules.