Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format

Inverse Words

Inverse words are associated with internal bit patterns containing at least one inverse bit. An inverse bit is a bit whose 0 value is associated with the presence of a word and whose value is 1 unless the word is present in the label. Inverse words can have one or more bits associated with them. The example below is for the simplest and most common case, where a single 0 bit is associated with a word. When a bit is used inversely, its value in a NULL label must be 1. When such a word is combined with a label containing no words, the resulting label does not contain the word.

 Word2 -0------
 (NULL) -1------
 (NULL) -1------

In the following example, two inverse words each associated with different inverse (0) bits are combined. The resulting label contains neither of the words.

 Word2 -0---1--
 Word6 -1---0--
 (NULL) -1---1--

In the example below, two labels containing the above inverse words are combined. Only the inverse word that appears in both labels appears in the resulting combination.

 Word2 -0---1--
 Word2 Word6 -0---0--
 Word2 -0---1--