Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format

The All Compartment Combinations Valid Except: Keyword

The all compartment combinations valid except: keyword specifies that all compartment combinations are valid along with the classification specified by the preceding classification= keyword, except those that are listed, one per line, on the lines that follow until the next keyword. Each subsequent line (other than blank lines and comment lines) should contain exactly one sensitivity label, up until a line containing a classification= or minimum clearance= keyword is found. At least one sensitivity label should be specified.

Each sensitivity label specified must be well formed according to the encodings in the CLASSIFICATIONS: and SENSITIVITY LABELS: sections. Furthermore, each sensitivity label must be in canonical form. A sensitivity label is in canonical form if it begins with the sname of a classification followed by the name of zero or more SENSITIVITY LABELS: WORDS:, in the order in which the words appear in the SENSITIVITY LABELS: section.

The sensitivity labels are used to specify compartment combinations only; the classification in the sensitivity label is ignored after validity checking. However, the classification in each sensitivity label must be the same as the classification= keyword that precedes it.

A specification of the realistic user accreditation range from the example above using the all compartment combinations valid except: keyword is:

classification= TS; all compartment combinations valid except: