Trusted Solaris 8 Installation and Configuration on the Sun Enterprise 10000

Editing Initialization Files

When you run the ssp_restore command, the following files are copied and saved with a .__upgrade suffix. If you have made changes to these files, you can incorporate these changes into the new versions of the files when you have completed the install procedure.

The default blacklist(4) file found in /var/opt/SUNWssp/etc is backed up by ssp_backup and restored by ssp_restore. However, if you have created a .postrc file that changes the location of the blacklist file, the relocated blacklist file is not backed up by ssp_backup.

The following files are copied and saved when you run ssp_restore.

The following additional files are copied and saved only when ssp_restore is run:

If you made changes to the Ultra-Enterprise-10000.snmpd.cnf file that is in the /etc/opt/SUNWssp/snmp/agt directory, you will have to incorporate your changes into the file installed on the restored system.

Note –

These files are located in the ADMIN_LOW single-level directory (SLD) of the /export/home/ssp directory. If you want to edit them, you need to log in as the user ssp at the label ADMIN_LOW. This is the default if you are accessing the SSP via CDE login or CDE rlogin. If you are performing a command line rlogin to the user ssp, you probably are not working at the ADMIN_LOW label and will see these files as symbolic links of the actual files in the ADMIN_LOW SLD.