Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Roadmap

Viewing AnswerBook2 Documents

AnswerBook2 is an online documentation system from Sun Microsystems, Inc. It consists of SGML source documentation and AnswerBook2 server software. The documents can be viewed using any web browser that supports HTML 3.2, by entering the name of the server host, followed by a colon (:) and the port number. For example, to access documentation displayed on a remote documentation server at the default port, enter http://doc_server_name:8888.

For a complete description of AnswerBook2 features, see "Introduction to the AnswerBook2 Product" in Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library or "Introduction to the AnswerBook2 Product" in Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library. For information on viewing documentation using AnswerBook2, see "Getting Started" in Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library or "Getting Started" in Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library.

AnswerBook2 server software can be installed in either the Solaris or Trusted Solaris operating environment. If the server host is running the Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment, use the version of the AnswerBook2 server software provided on the Solaris 8 4/01 Documentation CD and follow the instructions in "Installing Documentation Server Software" in Solaris 7 (SPARC Platform Edition) Installation Library or "Installing Documentation Server Software" in Solaris 7 (Intel Platform Edition) Installation Library.

If the server host is running in the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment, install the AnswerBook2 server software from the Trusted Solaris Documentation CD and follow the instructions in the next section.

To install the Trusted Solaris AnswerBook2 documentation server, you must be running the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment on either a SPARCstation 5 or higher or an Intel-based personal computer. You need approximately 36 Megabytes of hard disk space available for the server software plus approximately 55 megabytes for the Trusted Solaris-related collections, and up to 600 megabytes for all available collections.

Note -

You cannot install the AnswerBook packages in the Trusted Solaris environment using WebStart. You cannot run the AnswerBook server or the AnswerBook2 server from the CD.