Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Verifying That Roles Work

Reboot the Computer

If you have not set up DNS or static routing, you can skip this step.

    Shut down the computer from the TP (Trusted Path) menu, and reboot it.

Verify that the Roles secadmin and admin Work
  1. For each role, log in as a user who can assume the role and assume it.

  2. In the role workspace, open the Solaris Management Console, select the Trusted Solaris Management Console with the appropriate scope for your site, and click Users.

  3. Provide the role password when prompted, then double-click User Accounts.

  4. Click a user.

    • The admin role should be able to modify fields under the tabs General, Home Directory, and Group.

    • The secadmin role should be able to modify fields under all tabs.

Verify that the Role primaryadmin Works
  1. Log in as a user who can assume the primaryadmin role and assume it.

  2. In the role workspace, open the Solaris Management Console, select the Trusted Solaris Management Console with the appropriate scope for your site, and click Users.

  3. Provide the role password when prompted, and double-click Rights.

  4. Creating a new right by choosing Add Right from the Action menu.

  5. Save the new right, then delete it before continuing.