Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration

Planning System Hardware and Capacity

System hardware includes the system itself and its attached devices (tape drives, microphones, CD drives, and disk packs). Its capacity includes its memory, its network interfaces, and its disk space.

Consult the Solaris 8 Sun Hardware Platform Guide for a list of hardware that supports the Trusted Solaris environment. Any exceptions are noted in Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Release Notes.

Peripheral hardware and capacity required for initial installation on a SPARC include:

Memory over the minimum is required on Trusted Solaris systems that:

Similarly, disk space requirements are greater for some systems. See "Disk Space Planning" in Solaris 8 Advanced Installation Guide for a list of factors that affect disk space. Particular Trusted Solaris features that require more disk space include:

For each Trusted Solaris system, you need to determine the following: