Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

Privilege Macros

The privilege macros operate on single privileges and privilege sets. They are described on the priv_macros(5) man page. The macros do not directly change the privilege sets associated with files or processes, but manipulate variables of type priv_set_t.

Privilege Macro 


PRIV_ASSERT(priv_set, priv_id)

Put the privilege (priv_id) into the set (priv_set).

PRIV_ISASSERT(priv_set, priv_id)

Return non-zero if the privilege (priv_id) is asserted in (priv_set).

PRIV_EQUAL(priv_set_a, Priv_set_b)

Return non-zero if the sets are identical. 


Initialize the set to empty. 


Fill the set with all privileges. 


Return non-zero if the set is empty, and 0 if not empty. 


Return non-zero if the privilege contains all privileges defined for the system, and 0 otherwise. 

PRIV_CLEAR(priv_set, priv_id)

Remove the privilege (priv_id) from set (priv_set).

PRIV_INTERSECT(priv_set_a, priv_set_b)

Store the intersection of set_a and set_b in set_b.


Stores the inverse of priv_set in priv_set.

PRIV_UNION(priv_set_a, priv_set_b)

Store the union of set_a and set_b in set_b.

PRIV_XOR(priv_set_a, priv_set_b,)

Store the exclusive or of set_a and set_b in set_b.

PRIV_ISSUBSET(priv_set_a, priv_set_b)

Returns non-zero when all privileges asserted in priv_set_a are also asserted in priv_set_b, and 0 otherwise.

PRIV_TEST(priv_id, errno) 

Test whether priv_id is in the effective set, and sets errno to 1 if True and 0 if False.