Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

Reading Man Pages

The intro man pages provide global security policy information for Trusted Solaris man pages in a section. Security information specific to the interfaces on a particular man page is in the Description section, in the Errors section under EPERM, EACCES, or ESRCH, and in the Summary of Trusted Solaris Changes section at the end.

If a man page for a library routine has no security information on it and the routine has an underlying system call, check the man page for the underlying system call. The underlying system call enforces security policy for all library routines built on top of it.

If no Trusted Solaris man page exists for a Solaris interface, the interface has not been modified for the Trusted Solaris environment, or has been modified, but there is no security-related behavior to be aware of when using the interface in the Trusted Solaris environment.