Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

User Authorizations

The Trusted Solaris environment provides authorizations to control login, files and file management, devices, labels, and system administration activities. Applications can check a user's authorizations before performing certain tasks on behalf of that user if the tasks require user authorization. The tasks might be privileged administrative tasks or privileged non-administrative tasks. A good coding practice is to identify the authorization to be checked, identify the user or role performing the task, and check whether that user or role has the authorization to perform the task before turning privileges on in the application. If the task requires privilege (it usually does), authorizations should be checked before the process asserts the privilege.

Authorizations are administratively assigned and control user access to specific tasks. Authorizations are stored in /etc/security/auth_attr database. For a description of the file, see auth_attr(4). See getauthattr(3SECDB) for information on the family of routines for accessing and manipulating authorizations.