Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

Get Attributes from inode

The following code gets the CMW label (FSA_LABEL) of file and returns it in buffer.

#include <tsol/fsattr.h>
#include <tsol/label.h>

	char *file = "/export";
	char buffer [3*1024], *string = (char *)0;
	int length, retval;

	length = sizeof(buffer);
	retval = getfsattr(file, FSA_LABEL, buffer, length);
	retval = bcltos((bclabel_t *)buffer, &string, 0, VIEW_INTERNAL);
	printf("/export CMW label = %s \n", buffer);

The printf statement prints the following:

/export CMW label = [ADMIN_LOW]

Manifest Constant Values

Manifest constant values can be any one of the following:

FSA_ACLCNT - File system access Access Control List (ACL) count.

FSA_ACL - File system access ACL.

FSA_APRIV - File system allowed privilege set.

FSA_FPRIV - File system forced privilege set.

FSA_LABEL - File system CMW label.

FSA_AFLAGS - File system attribute flags as described in "Get and Set File System Security Attribute Flags".

FSA_LBLRNG - File system label range.

FSA_MLDPFX - File system MLD prefix string.

FSA_APSACNT - Number of classes in the process audit preselection mask.

FSA_APSA - Classes in the process audit preselection mask. The process needs the file_audit privilege in its effective set to get this information. See "Privileges and Authorizations" for more information.

Manifest Constant Descriptions

The programming interfaces for accessing CMW labels, file system label ranges, file privileges, and multilevel directories are described briefly in "Trusted Solaris Security Mechanisms" and in more detail in their respective chapters in this guide.