Trusted Solaris Developer's Guide

Binary and Text

This example translate a binary clearance to text using long words. The process running at TS A B equals the clearance and needs no privilege.

Note -

The text input and output formats, rules, and flags are presented in "Binary and Text Label Translation".

#include <tsol/label.h>
	int          retval, length = 0;
	bclear_t     pclear;
	char         *string = (char *)0;

	retval = getclearance(&pclear);
	retval = bcleartos(&pclear, &string, length, LONG_WORDS);
	printf("Process clearance = %s\n", string);

The printf(1) statement prints the following:

Process clearance = TS ABLE BAKER

This example clips the process label to five characters. The clipping occurs when the number of characters in pclear is greater than the specified length.

#include <tsol/label.h>

	int          retval;
	bclear_t     pclear;
	char         *string = (char *)0;

	retval = getclearance(&pclear);
	string = sbcleartos(&pclear, 5);
	printf("Clipped process clearance = %s\n", string);

The printf statement prints the following. The left arrow is a clipped indicator to show the name has been clipped. The number of characters to which the name is clipped includes two characters for the clipped indicator.

Clipped process clearance = TS<-

This example translates a text string to a binary clearance.

#include <tsol/label.h>

	int          retval, error;
	bclear_t     bclear;
	char         *labelstring = "TS ABLE BAKER";

	retval = stobclear(labelstring, &bclear, NEW_LABEL, &error);
	if (retval == 0)
		printf("Error = %d\n", error);
		printf("Retval = %d\n", retval);

The printf(1) statement prints the following:

Retval = 1