Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Release Notes

Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Release Notes

Note -

We strongly recommend that you read and use Trusted Solaris Installation and Configuration (PN 816-1040-10) to guide you in configuring the Trusted Solaris operating environment. The differences between this secure operating environment and a Solaris operating environment, such as - labels, clearance confirmations, obligatory passwords, security configuration choices, name service domain setup, secure network setup, and no superuser - require planning and guidance during installation and configuration.

The Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment upgrades the Trusted Solaris 8 release and enhances the following software with security: Solaris 8 4/01 operating environment, CDE 1.4.4 (Common Desktop Environment), and the Solaris Management Console 2.0 administrative interface. The release incorporates patches to the Trusted Solaris 8 operating environment, the window system, and patches for the Solaris, CDE and Solaris Management Console releases. In particular, this release incorporates many security bug fixes.

Caution - Caution -

Do not apply patches that may be available for the standard releases of Solaris software, CDE, X Windows, or Solaris Management Console.

The sections are as follows:

Getting Help

For assistance in using the document set, see the Trusted Solaris Roadmap (PN 816-1039-10) document.

The docs.sun.comSM web site enables you to access Sun technical documentation online. You can browse the archive or search there for a specific book title or subject.

Reading About the Changes and Features in the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Release

Read the following for specific information.

Trusted Solaris 8 Release Notes

For bugs fixed between the Trusted Solaris 7 and Trusted Solaris 8 releases.

Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 Transition Guide

For changes from the Trusted Solaris 8 and Trusted Solaris 7 releases to the current release.

Solaris 8 4/01 What's New

For features that the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 release inherits from the Solaris 8 release.

Solaris 8 (SPARC Platform Edition) 4/01 Release Notes Update

For information about the Solaris 8 4/01 release.

Solaris 8 (Intel Platform Edition) 4/01 Release Notes Update

For information about the Solaris 8 4/01 release.

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Supported Hardware

The Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 release supports the workstation, server, and peripherals hardware supported by the Solaris 8 4/01 release. See also:

Solaris Bug Fixes Incorporated in This Release

The Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 release includes all product patches and bug fixes incorporated into the Solaris 8 4/01 release. The bug fixes that are listed in the tables below are additional.

Security bugs that are fixed in releases later than Solaris 8 4/01 have been incorporated into this release. The Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 release includes the following Solaris security bug fixes:

Table 1-1 Solaris Security Bug Fixes Integrated in Trusted Solaris 8 4/01

Solaris Bug Number 


4153434, 4274696 

$TZ environment variable not totally safe


Security hole in rmmount.conf - possible string buffer overflow

4330421, 4383387 

LP subsystem is vulnerable to printing unauthorized files 


Buffer overflow vulnerabilities in Kerberos (SEAM) 

4356377, 4425845, 4440161 

Buffer overflow vulnerabilities in keyboard DDX module 

4392144, 4434978 

catman makes dangerous use of tmpfiles


Buffer overflow in cu(1C) allows access as uucp UID

4409676, 4444745 

CERT Advisory CA-2001-02 / Solaris DNS (BIND) vulnerabilities 

4412996, 4451002 

Buffer overflow in snmpXdmid allows remote root compromise


snmpXdmi has hard-coded security strings


Buffer overflow in uucp can allow access as uucp UID 


tip, getent() can ignore supplied buffer size


send() with a negative "len" arg puts kernel in a loop - DOS attack


CERT CA-2001-07 / Globbing problem in in.ftpd


Kernel preemption can corrupt floating point register 


Buffer overflow in LANG dtsession variable


Buffer overflow in compromises root


Solaris Intel system can panic from user process 


CDE: Buffer overflow in


Buffer overflow in rpc.yppasswdd


Buffer overflow in /bin/mail


Buffer overflow in /usr/bin/whodo via $TZ

4370975, 4414939 

CDE: Motif text widget accesses illegal memory addresses 


CDE: dtfile dumps core at draw_separator() when resizing window

4446925, 4458432 

in.lpd contains a remote exploitable overflow


telmod.c could panic the system


Buffer overflow in mailx

4466215, 4482260 

ckitem(1) could cause stack overflow


Format string vulnerability in ToolTalk Database Server 

Table 1-2 Solaris Bug Fixes Integrated in Trusted Solaris 8 4/01

Solaris Bug Number 



turnstile_block() does not accurately detect cycle in blocking chain


inet_ntop(): BAD TRAP: type=e (Page Fault) rp=ef4229d8 addr=e0f1007

Trusted Solaris 8 Bugs Fixed in This Release

The following bugs reported in the Trusted Solaris 8 Release Notes have been fixed in the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 software:

Known Problems With the Software

This section identifies known problems in the Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 software, describes them, and suggests solutions to them. These bugs may or may not be fixed in a future release.

Languages CD is not supported

This release supports only the C locale (U.S. English). Thus, no Languages CD is provided.

praudit and auditreduce do not work with RBAC profile entries (4508276)

The praudit and auditreduce commands are both listed in the Audit Review profile as requiring euid=0. This should work, but in fact uid=0 is required.

Workaround: Change the two entries in the exec_attr database to use uid=0 instead of euid=0.

Communication between TSIX host types with IPsec AH is broken (4471447)

Network packets using the TSIX protocol are not processed correctly when AH headers are present.

Workaround: None.

IKE does not work with the TSOL host type (4548783)

Network packets that are labeled with the TSOL protocol are not processed correctly by IKE in the SunScreenTM 3.2 product that is co-packaged with this release. The SunScreen log messages show IKE_INVALID_COOKIE.

SunScreen properly processes TSOL-labeled network traffic that is in clear text. SunScreen IKE also behaves correctly in the Trusted Solaris operating environment to protect traffic between unlabeled network connections.

Workaround: None.

nisaddent causes a SIGSEGV error when adding to tnrhdb (4491941)

A SIGSEGV error is produced when using the nisaddent -avf command to add an incorrectly formatted file to the tnrhdb NIS+ map. This produces a core dump.

Workaround: The nisaddent command works correctly with a valid input file. To ensure that the input file has fields separated by colons and not by spaces, use niscat -s : when dumping a NIS+ table that will be used later as input to NIS+.

Some suser() calls still exist in kernel (4493976)

The interfaces listed below have code paths which check for the sys_suser_compat privilege instead of the proper privilege.

Workaround: These interfaces may need to be invoked with the PRIV_SUSER_COMPAT privilege. This can be accomplished via profiles by using an exec_attr entry specifying this privilege.

File system label ranges are not enforced for unlabeled NFS file systems (4150441)

This bug occurs in a very unusual situation. The administrator must have consciously configured a NFS remote host to be at one label, and the label range to be another.

Workaround: To prevent the creation of files at the default label for the server, mount the file system as "read-only". Existing files are unaffected, but the read-only mount option prevents the creation of files at a label outside the label range.

Graphical Window Manager controls do not work (4462771)

The new utilities sdtgwm, sdtwsm, and sdtwinlst and their corresponding actions in the Desktop_Apps folder generate errors, such as Warning: Query Module Not Running.

Workaround: None. These tools are inappropriate for users in the Trusted Solaris environment. They are not supported.

niscat command hangs and spawns multiple nisd processes on a NIS+ server (4430740)

The bug is known to occur when SMC is running on a NIS+ client or master and has loaded its toolbox from a NIS+ replica. Next, the replica is shut down and SMC is used to update any NIS+ maps. Since the machine from which SMC loaded its toolbox is down, the SMC client has no way to communicate with the SMC server, which is the machine from which the toolbox has been loaded.

Workaround: Do not use SMC to update NIS+ databases when a NIS+ replica is down. Use the standard NIS+ command line interface instead.

Trusted Solaris label encodings file requires coding for ILs (4329208)

Although Trusted Solaris 8 4/01 software does not support information labels (ILs), the chk_encodings(1M) command fails with the following error if the label_encodings file omits information about ILs.

   # chk_encodings label_encodings
   Label encodings conversion error at line 37:
      Can't find INFORMATION LABELS specification.
      Found instead: "SENSITIVITY LABELS:".
   label_encodings: label encodings syntax check failed.

Workaround: Copy a valid SENSITIVITY LABELS: section in your label_encodings file, and rename it to INFORMATION LABELS:, as in:


The smosservice command fails to create OS server (4378498)

The SMC commands smosservice and smdiskless do not work correctly.

Workaround: Set up diskless service manually. On the OS server, name and allocate the client disk partitions during the installation program.

Device Allocation: Configuration dialog box does not configure the first device (4533649)

A device's configuration is unchanged the first time that you click OK in the Device Allocation: Configuration dialog box.

Workaround: Repeat the configuration procedure without closing the Device Allocation Manager. When you have repeated the procedure, you can then configure other devices without clicking OK a second time.

Drag and drop does not work for OpenLook applications (4095021)

Drag and drop operations do not work reliably for OpenLook applications.

Workaround: Use the copy and paste keys with OpenLook applications.

Nonexistent location ID: FileManagerLabelsHelp (4477399)

This bug is seen when you perform the following steps:

  1. Insert Floppy disk.

    floppy_0 is allocated by Device Allocation Manager.

  2. From File Manager, click the File menu and select Removable Media Manager.

  3. Select the floppy icon and click mouse button 3 to open the Labels menu item.

  4. In Removable Media Manager - File Labels (the Trusted Solaris Label Builder), click the Help button at bottom right of the dialog box.

Workaround: Perform the following steps:

  1. Click mouse button 3 on the Front Panel and select Help from the pop-up menu. The Workspace Manager - Help window appears.

  2. In the Workspace Manager - Help window, scroll down in the top pane to Trusted Solaris Applications and select it.

  3. In the bottom pane, click Create Labels.

SMC Mounts and Shares tools do not set or modify Trusted Solaris attributes (4496897)

The SMC Mounts tool and SMC Shares tool do not manipulate Trusted Solaris attributes.

Workaround: Use the Set Mount Points and Share Filesystems actions to handle Trusted Solaris attributes, or use the Admin Editor on the /etc/vfstab and the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.