Trusted Solaris Administrator's Procedures

The priv_names.h File

The /usr/include/sys/tsol/priv_names.h header file contains manifest constants and associated numbers for privileges. Up to 128 possible privileges are allowed. As shown in the following screen example, the definitions for the default privileges range from 1 to 86 (with 0 meaning no privileges). Not all 86 privileges are defined since some have been retired.

The manifest constants and numbers for default privileges in priv_names.h are:

PRIV_FILE_AUDIT = 1,		/* operational */
PRIV_FILE_CHOWN = 2,		/* operational */
PRIV_FILE_DAC_EXECUTE = 3,	/* policy */
PRIV_WIN_SELECTION = 84,	/* operational */
PRIV_WIN_UPGRADE_SL = 86,	/* operational */

Privileges available for extension follow the /* Reserved for ISV..*/ text in the file:

/* Reserved for ISV, GOTS, integrator, ... use */
	reserved127 = 127,
	reserved128 = 128

Note -

If you wish to interoperate with other systems, you should contact your Trusted Solaris representative to reserve a privilege number.